
2010年1月29日 星期五

Lawry'sのWine Dinner@28Jan10

唔經唔覺"Discoveries Winemaker Tour 2009"已經嚟到第12場......

對於我呢d唔好紅又唔識品嘅人嚟講,最現實莫過於每次都係睇住個food menu而join,其次先係個wine menu,不過睇番本passport d飛尾都已經有5張,所以原則上當正咗自己係佢地嘅粉絲!

今晚個theme係“Grand Finale: A Moment of Thanks with the Royal Wines of Burgundy and Jura”.....紅同白(中間4支)係Burgundy Mercurey區Domaine Michel Juillot莊嘅,而左1同右1支Rose & Vin de Paille(麥桿酒)就係Jura區

個人最有好感係支rose,配海鮮一流!跟住d白同紅就分別用Chardonnay & Pinot Noir做嘅,印象中白幾dry下、而紅就覺得好薄,到最後支desert wine因為用風乾咗嘅提子嚟造、同Sauternes酒嘅造法好唔同,so統統都唔係我杯茶,不過好在有好嘢食搭夠.....

Aperitif & 1st Course

Frederic Lornet Cremant du Jura Rose (95% Ploussard/5% Pinot Noir)

Classic Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail 鮮大蝦咯嗲

2nd CoursE

Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey Blanc 2003 (Chardonnay)

New England Clam Chowder 新英倫周打蜆湯

3rd Course

Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey Blanc 'Les Vignes de Maillonge' 2004 (Chardonnay)

Maine Lobster tails served with drawn butter and fresh garden vegetables 龍蝦尾配牛油汁伴新鮮田園蔬菜

4th Course

Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey 1er Cru Rouge 'Clos Tonnerre' 2005 (Pinot Noir)

Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus with Mashed Potatoes 特級燒牛肉配香滑薯蓉

5th Course

        Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey 1er Cru Rouge 'Clos des Barraults' 2004 (Pinot Noir)

Roasted Turkey with Cranberry Relish served with Carrots and Broccolis and Yorkshire pudding


6th Course

Frederic Lornet Vin de Paille 2003 (50% Savagnin/30% Poulsard/20% Chardonnay)

Old-Fashioned All American Apple Pie With Homemade Vanilla Ice-cream 傳統焗蘋果批伴雲喱拿雪糕

基本上每一次去wine dinner唔係醉住走就係飽到捧住個肚走,今次都唔例外!食完個ribs之後已經超飽、最後連desert個pie都要take away.....(益咗LLB做早餐)

食飽飽就梗係要同winemaker - Mr Laurent Juillot嚟個合照啦 (唔記得開閃光燈...失策)

More photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=146318&id=545372797&l=95ecc306f0

